What We Do
Local & long distance cabs
Local and long distance taxi service for cities in the CSRA, and many more.
Airport taxi service
Get a cab to and from Augusta Regional Airport. Arrival & Departure flights are regularly tracked.
Non emergency medical transportation
Cost effective ambulatory service to and from doctors' appointments. More affordable than EMS, and other non emergency medical transportations.
Personal Driver Service
Whenever you need a personal driver to take you to places, feel free to get in touch with us. Our drivers are professional, and very friendly. Call 706-726-6561.
Package delivery service
Business package delivery in cities of CSRA. Our charges are preferably cheaper than other courier services. Call us at 7067266561.
Roadside rescue
For drivers and passengers stuck on the road around Aiken, Augusta and surrouding cities in Georgia, call Augusta Cab on 7067266561.